Returnering og tilbagebetaling
Fælles fejlfindingsvejledning
- Tjek strømstikket på bakspejlet.
- Sørg for, at bakspejlet får den korrekte strømforsyning.
- Tjek strømstikket på bakspejlet.
- Sørg for, at bakspejlet får den korrekte strømforsyning.
- Bekræft, om linsebeskyttelsesfilmen er blevet fjernet
- Kontroller, om linsen er snavset
- Fjern beskyttelsesfilmen fra linsen
- Rengør den rettidigt
- Systemet er gået ned
- Udfør en hardwarenulstilling af ved at trykke på nulstillingsknappen
- Skærmbilledet viser et billede.
- Juster lodret vinkel
- Tryk for at skifte mellem chassisvisning og visning bagfra (enkelt bakkameramodel har ingen skiftefunktion)
- Tryk og hold i 2 sekunder for at tænde eller slukke for skærmen, hold nede i 5 sekunder for at tænde eller slukke for maskinen, og hold nede i 10 sekunder for at nulstille og genstarte maskinen, hvis den går ned
- Justering af lysstyrke
- Justering af skærmens lysstyrke
- Det er muligt ikke at installere beslaget
- Brug klæbemiddel for at vedhæfte den til den ønskede placering
Installation instructions was outdated. However, I used Youtube videos to complete the install. It looks great.
First off, it is pretty challenging installing this. The hardest part, by far, was installing the rear camera cable through the rubber tubing connecting the trunk lid to the main body. I also had some trouble finding some of the necessary connection points, but the Hansshow team were very helpful in their support.
Overall, not an installation for the feint of heart!
However, I do have some other issues: the mirror screen is very reflective. And, when the screen is on, you can still see the 'normal' mirror function. It turns out that that is very distracting. So I covered the screen with a 'screen protector' from a laptop and that fixed the glare.
The final issue is that the screen is not very bright; and it keeps resetting to a less bright setting. I wish I could fix that ...
Hard to get help waiting for two two day
The install guide is not to good
The mirror itself is great
Easy to install, very convenient and practical. Very clear picture quality.
The chassis camera has added a new level of safety and confidence to my driving.
Very high-definition, can clearly see the road conditions
This Model 3/Y 8.2" live streaming rear view mirror with chassis camera has significantly enhanced my driving confidence. The real-time streaming feature ensures clear visibility, allowing for better decision-making on the road. The installation process was simple, and the camera resolution is impressive. Highly satisfied!
This Model 3/Y 8.2" live streaming rear view mirror with chassis camera allows for real-time monitoring and added safety on the road. The streaming feature offers a wide-angle view, eliminating blind spots. The installation was hassle-free, and the camera resolution is impressive. A must-have upgrade!